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Posted on by Ana Walia


I have always been a fat kid since childhood and my parents were and are still obsessed with the fact that I should reduce some weight and offcourse I want that too. But when you’re lazy af how do you actually start working out to reduce the fat you’ve been gaining over last 20 years. Well you just need a proper routine to follow and a little motivation and appreciation from the people you think care. 
I am in college and this one is a really embrassing story but I need to share this because it was my first step to changing the way I am. So here I go, I went for my college entrance and I came back crying. Why? Because I saw the girls around who were dressed so pretty with perfect body and flawless skin and everything. I got insecure and told my parents that I don’t want to go to that college. I got into another thou. But later when I understood the fact that they have done everything in their power to earn that body I finally started to look myself in mirror and see how odd my body looks. I was determined that I’ll loose my weight. And I did in my summer break by controlling my diet and working out without a miss. My mom, sister and best friend has a huge part in motivating me for working out. But then I broke my leg and gained extra 10 kilos I guess. Bad karma. 
Anyway, I was disappointed that every effort that I had put was wasted and I had to start all over again. But the starting over was a huge setback because I was lazy and doctor adviced me not to do things like running and jumping so soon with my leg because it was not properly healed up. But here in college seeing people being so determined about get the perfect body helped me in some way and I started walking and little little workout and it helped. Walking doesn’t help  everyone but it did to me. I made it a point to go for a walk everyday and never miss just the Sundays!  The result was clear I started to loose weight and clothes that were my dream to be worn fitted me perfectly and what else the girl needs? I started to cut down sweets, preservative breveages and things that make you gain fat for a while. I was loosing weight but not too much. Seeing my other friend loose weight too rapidly made me anxious as to why am I not doing things that she can but the fact that I don’t eat properly was a major factor and I am not a fan of gym at all. Still I keep on going to make a little difference that I can. 
Few days back, while talking to my best friend and seeing changes in her body I was awestruck because she has gone hot! I mean literally hot. I want that and I said that to her. She told me how and when to work out and thus I started working out and as soon as the results are out I’ll share the picture. ;) 

The fact that you can do anything in this world is the major key here. You just need a little push and motivation for doing things. You can do it. That is all. I’ll never be a fan of gym and won’t actually ever go to gym but I like working out because when the sweat drips down your face you can feel something leaving your body and that is the fat which I am sure no one is sad to loose. Things happen to us only when we want them to happen. If you want a change you need to start to make a change. After all these are the things you do for food and food is all we are living for. 

There are reasons why you should work out: 
Because it makes you a happy person 
Because it makes your life a little easier 
Because it makes you confident and you can achieve anything in life with that confidence.
Because when you look at the new you, you feel like you can do anything in this world. 
Because it’s the right thing to do with all the weird eating habits we have these days. 


PS: I can recommed some amazing fitness trainers who uplaod their workouts on youtube. If you want just drop me a text on Instagram- anawalia :) 

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