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Posted on by Ana Walia

At random times, I remember the time we spent together. You stuck with me these whole 3 years and Thank you for that. But what I am not thankful are the times when you put me down for things I didn’t want to do, the times you took my thunder away, the times you thought I wasn’t cool enough to hang out with. But I hold no grudges against you because you stuck with me in that period of time and you taught me alot of things. Firstly, that people don’t always swallow the bitter honest pill about themselves even when they say they can take criticism. Secondly, that no one actually stands up for you but just you and your “real friends”. I was so lost, sad and lonely that I invested so much in this friendship which eventually turned out to be a total void. I let my guard down and you left me standing at the door of our friendship laughing at me! *Not cool bro* I was the first person you called when you needed help but the last person to know about your happiness. Didn’t you feel that it might hurt me someway? I don’t walk out on people and so I didn’t. You were so caught up in your own bubble that you forgot that I existed and genuinely needed your help. I’ll not blame you because WE ARE ON OUR OWN RIGHT? I deserve better than you. I deserve friend who will always be with me, not just when it’s convenient for them. You were constantly making me feel small because you needed to feel big. I’m not mad at you, I’m just sad. Disappointed, really. I let you in, and I made you bigger in my life than you made me in yours. After everything that has happened, I just want to know, did you ever consider me a friend? Or was I always just a topic of conversation to you? 

Yes, we had a great time together too but this is where it ends right? Us parting our ways and saying goodbyes. But how do we say goodbye to someone to whom we never said Hello to. We surly had a great time together or atleast I believe we did. I’ll never know what I meant to you or what my friendship meant to you because whatever you say right now won’t fix what your words and actions broke. Who says that friendship cannot break hearts? It surly does. 
I don’t hate you I am just disappointed more sad, that you turned out to be everything you said you’ll never be. We promised to be friends forever but when we can’t be honest and real to each how can we even be friends? 

I hope you find happiness and success in your life. I wish you all the best for future. I just need to give you a small advice that when you stop caring for someone just tell them. Don’t let them keep thinking that they mean to you when they clearly don’t. 


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